משתמש:Erel Segal/ארגז חול/יחידה:שלום
m = {} -- you can use any name you want - it does not have to be identical to the module name
function m.f1(frame)
return "שלום לכולם"
-- these two ways to define the function are practically synonymous. the 2nd form below is more common. m.f2 = function(frame)
return "להתראות"
-- this function cannot be called using #invoke, because it's not a member of m. it can be called from other functions in the module. function f3(x)
return x * 2
-- however, we can expose a faunction, say, f4, by defining it first, and then adding it to m like so: function something(frame)
-- do something
m.f4 = something
m["להתראות"] = m.f2
m["הורים"] = function(frame)
return frame:getParent()
return m